General Blog Items

/General Blog Items

How does author order affect credit in scientific papers?

Brain in a Vat has written about a new study that examined how an author’s place in a list of authors on a peer reviewed paper affected perceptions of the relative merit. Here’s one conclusion based on the article: As expected, survey respondents rated first authors the highest in terms of work performed while rating [...]

By |January 14th, 2008|General Blog Items|Comments Off on How does author order affect credit in scientific papers?

Where can I find out about ACT workshops?

There are a number of resources that I am aware of regarding ACT workshops. The number one place to look for trainings is on the homepage . That's the home of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science , the home of ACT. Many new events are being listed there all the time. Workshops that [...]

By |October 24th, 2007|General Blog Items|379 Comments

Welcome to Learning ACT: A website for therapists learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

This website the companion website to the book Learning ACT . Here you can find training resources, tools, and fellow travelers in your effort to learn Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Most of the interaction on the site takes place in the Forum. This is meant to be an interactive website, so if it’s your first [...]

By |June 12th, 2004|General Blog Items|Comments Off on Welcome to Learning ACT: A website for therapists learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy